Bird Diva Projects

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Birder Broker

Birder Broker is a project in partnership with the Vermont Center for Ecostudies that connects landowners interested in learning more about birds breeding on their property with experienced birders looking for new places to go birding while at the same time contributing their expertise. Over 80% of forested land in Vermont is privately owned making these incredibly important places for nesting birds. Landowners and birders together can help us understand more about breeding bird populations, and how together we might keep them healthy.

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Crows In Vermont

Crows In Vermont grew out of the public's interest in the large flocks of crows that form at dusk during the winter especially in urban areas. It's a phenomenon that grabs your attention - massive flocks of crows at dusk. Your brain starts cycling through all kinds of questions as you watch...why are there so many of them? What are they doing? Why this spot? I started an iNaturalist project to allow folks all over Vermont to contribute their observations and map where they’re seeing winter roosts. Learn how to participate by downloading the iNaturalist app and visiting the website.