
Growth & Gratitude

Growth & Gratitude

Here we are, coming full circle once again. We’re entering a quiet time of year that can be cozy and full of reflection. Last month, I shared with you all some thinking around kith and kin; our connection to the landscape and other beings - especially birds! I continue to hold these relational thoughts as I look back on this year and look forward into the next. My slow birding practice has grown and evolved so much over the past year and I’m grateful to each of you who have shared this year with me either through a course or a workshop or even a simple correspondence through email. This last month of the calendar year, I’m holding some time to reflect, to celebrate, and to express gratitude. And as I do that, I’m finding a very clear path for my work in 2023.

Maybe this is a time of reflection for you too! I’m practicing this in a few ways, I have some questions I’m asking myself and then a few actions to remind me of where I’ve been that will help me dig a little deeper into my reflection.